Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Farewell Simply Remind Me, Hello Beth Hildebrand


Well…the day has finally arrived. 

I’m finally letting you know about our new place. 

Yep.  We’re moving.

“What?!”, you might say?  To let you know, we’re not moving out of the country, the state or even small town Gibsonville.  In fact, I’m staying right where I am in this sunroom, one of my favorite places to be.

I’m just moving to a new, little space on the internet.

I have a new blog.


Want to know why?  Then come on over here and find out!

Simply Remind Me has been my virtual space name for almost 2 years but I felt it was time for a change.  I plan to stay at this new blog address for quite some time. 

I made it pretty easy to remember…

You’re welcome to visit and see the new look.  My new vision.  My new website.  You’re also welcome to subscribe if you’d like!

It’s very simple.  Pretty plain.  But that’s what I need, and maybe you too?  Plain and simple in this complex and busy world.  I hope it’ll be a place where it can slow you down for a moment to take a deep breath.  To be a time to rest and bring some encouragement. And hopefully it’ll spur you on to discover the gifts and beauty inside you so you’ll be unashamed of your personal missions, your passions and purposes defined by the word of truth.

I invite you to come on over.  Thank you for the times you’ve stopped here.  I hope you’ll visit and you’re welcome to say hi. I’m excited to start this new chapter and you’re invited to be part of it.

{If you have subscribed here it won’t carry over to my new one because it’s a new domain.  So, if you like to continue that, you’ll have to subscribe over there.  }