Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Be content so we are not always stretched to the limit

1 john 17

I did not forget to record my joys earlier this week, even though I had a life lesson learned from a pretty messed up night.   But as a friend reminded me not long ago:

God is good all the time and all the time, God is good.” 

And we are to give thanks all the time and all the time, we are to give thanks.

So being content, dwelling and thanking….

#1258  gift in kitchen - The sun rising and shining through the daffodils on the kitchen table.




#1259  finding God’s promises in tiny, wet crumbs of paper the went through the washing machine


#1260  lesson learned from – our heater and hot water heater broken, a kitchen counter and floor covered in flour to clean up, a washing machine filled with wet crumbs of paper stuck to all the clothes and wall.

#1261  gift in kitchen – daughter learning how to use a blender, even if there’s a BIG mess of flour everywhere to clean up!


#1262  gift to kitchen – cabinets scrubbed and Murphy oiled

#1263  our friend and the many other people in the U.S. military who help protect us.


#1264  gift bent – on knees praying for and with our dear friends

#1265  the children praying out loud for our dear friends

#1266  homemade deep dish pizza

#1267  gift broken – friends’ vulnerability so we could pray for them

#1268  son’s Battle of the Book team wins championship for ABSS!

Battle of Books champs

#1269  gift read : “God wants us to be content so we are not always stretched to the limit.”

#1270  gift read: memorizing Romans 1:19-20  “since what may have been known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.” (how convicting!)

#1271   gift read: emails of two people interested in creating life and faithbooks.

#1272  lunch with college friends that included lots of laughter

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