Monday, January 13, 2014

A big order?


IMG_9838I’m still wondering how and why define is a defining word for me these days.

I’m still asking questions.

Just now, the Book literally fell open to these summons.  You know when you’re holding a book open to a page but when you set it down, it doesn’t stay on that page but gracefully falls open to another page of grace?

It fell open to Romans 12:8-13.  Here’s the instructions:

Encourage others often.

Love well and authentically.

Don’t hide behind a mask.

Pursue what’s good as if your life depended on it.

Love in true devotion to friends and family.

Honor others.

Don’t slack in your faith and hard work.

Let your spirit be on fire serving God.

Rejoice because hope is always around the corner.

Devote yourself to prayer.

Share what you have.

Take every opportunity to open your life and home to others.


Let me live by the Word…be defined by Your Word.

Encourage, love well, don’t hide, pursue good, honor others, be on fire for God, don’t slack, rejoice, devote to prayer, share, open your life.

Well, that’s a pretty long definition.  That’s a big order isn’t it? 

But somehow, I know it’s worth trying.


Joys to start 2014

#1855  we and joy Libby had at the Christmas Eve service


#1856  special, unexpected gifts


#1857  being unlike myself…in a good way…every now and then!

#1858  Frederick Buechner’s quote that dares me

#1859  Hearing Gary Chapman speak on Marriage and children love languages with hubby

#1860  First family ice skating experience


#1861  I didn’t fall down while skating!




#1862  snowing while we skated…

#1863  walking in the snow downtown Charlottesville, VA

#1864  Dancing in the middle of Cook Out restaurant to an 80s song

#1865  paw prints in the snow


#1866  kids bundling up to sled…even when it was 20 degrees outside




#1867  big hills to sled down


#1868  Seeing a snow owl…even if at a  long distance


#1869  shrimp for 3 Christmas dinners

#1870  new slippers

#1871  Word of year verse

#1872  joy of welcoming home navy friend who had been deployed

#1873  our son spending a couple of hours writing a script for a video he wanted to make with his friends to welcome friend back home.


#1874  smiles and joy on faces and the best…laughter!



#1875  piano music

#1876  IF:Gathering set on the calendar!

#1877  family getting rained on while we were on our walk…poured!  and just laughed

#1878  a beautiful sunset at the end of a day that was filled with rain




#1879  conversation with new friend about being real, the Holy Spirit and the desire to be a part of helping change the world!

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