Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday Song - Hold onto the Promises: Hold Tight Day 5


Still reflecting on those promises from yesterday?  There’s a song on the radio these days that sing of those promises.  Click here to listen and enjoy.  Happy weekend!

“Hold Onto the Promises”    by Sanctus Real

Sometimes it's hard to keep believing in what you can't see
That everything happens for a reason even the worst life brings
If you're reaching for an answer and you don't know what to pray
Just open up the pages, let His Word be your strength

And hold on to the promises (hold tight)
Hold on to the promises (all right)
Jesus is alive, so hold tight
Hold on to the promises
And all things work for the good of those who love God
He holds back nothing that will heal you, not even His own son
His love is everlasting, His faithfulness unending
Oh, if God is for us who can be against us
So, if you feel weak

Just hold on to the promises (hold tight)
Hold on to the promises (all right)
Jesus is alive, so hold tight
Hold on to the promises

Neither life nor death could separate us
From the eternal love of our God who saves us

Neither life nor death could separate us
From the eternal love of our God who saves us

Just hold on to the promises (hold tight)
Hold on to the promises (all right)
Jesus is alive, so hold tight
Hold on to the promises

Hold on to the promises
Neither life nor death could separate us
From the eternal love of our God who saves us



See more Hold Tight 31 Days Series posts

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